European Projects Management Ltd. has been shortlisted for the EuropeAid project contract, in consortium with NORM Consulting Danışmanlık A.Ş.

Project Title:
Technical Assistance for Improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training through Establishment of Sectoral Centres of Excellence
Project Reference:
Contract Description:
The objective of the contract is to increase quality of vocational and technical education by developing the knowledge, skills and competencies in line with the EQARF[1] and EQAVET[2] through training of administrative and teaching staff of the Directorate General for Vocational Education and Training (DG VET) and relevant stakeholders; improving learning environments; providing VET as an attractive option for students, increasing cooperation between schools, social partners and private sector through establishment of Sectoral Centres of Excellence (SCoE).
More specifically, effectiveness of quality assurance system (QAS) currently implemented by the DG VET will be increased especially through ad-hoc consultancy and trainings provided to the staff of DG VET and relevant stakeholders. Activities such as trainings, meetings will be organized in order to increase participation of private sector to the implementation process of the QAS. Principles and procedures of the SCoE will be developed as part of in-service training system of the DG VET. Theoretical and practical trainings will be provided to the staff of SCoE on planning, preparing training programs and coordinating on the job trainings for development and updating knowledge of VET teachers. Various theoretical and practical trainings such as material development; usage of training materials; vocational guidance and career consultancy; foreign language, mathematics and science applications oriented to vocational and technical education will be given to the VET teachers. Besides, awareness raising activities to promote vocational and technical education will be organised. A pilot implementation of the modular credit passing system will be conducted and feasibility report on this system will be prepared.
[1] European Quality Assurance Reference Framework
[2] European Quality Assurance for Vocational Education and Training