European Projects Management Ltd. has been awarded the EuropeAid project contract in Turkey, in consortium with WEglobal.

Project Title:
Technical Assistance for Labour Market Support Programme for NEETs (NEET PRO)
Project Reference:
Value of the Contract:
2 589 951 EUR
Contract Description:
The objective of this contract is to increase policy making and implementation capacity of İŞKUR to provide better active labour market policies for youth not in education, employment or training (NEETs) through trainings, developing individual action plan (IAP), jobseekers allowance (JSA) implementation and monitoring model, outreach strategy, field and academic researches about NEETs and study visits. In order to raise awareness of NEETs, their families and other stakeholders regarding participation to labour market of NEETs, conferences and some of visibility activities will be realized. Additionally, the grant projects to be contracted under the grant component of the operation will be visited for providing inputs for IAP and JSA model to be developed under this contract.