European Projects Management Ltd. has been shortlisted for the EuropeAid project contract, in consortium with WEglobal.

Project Title:
Provision of Services to Address the Agricultural Pollution in the Litani River Basin (LRB)
Project Reference:
Contract Description:
The contracting authority intends to implement agricultural interventions in the Litani River Basin (LRB) in order to address the pollution caused by the dominant agricultural practices. The uncontrolled quality and quantities of pesticides, insecticide, herbicides, and fertilisers, and the bad utilisation of animal fertilisers on agriculture lands result in both water and soil pollution. The contract scope consists of disseminating best agricultural practices, introducing alternative irrigation and production techniques (including agro-food processing), and on-the-job and plot-demonstration training modules. Strategies for involving youth in these activities will be devised to preserve the agricultural identity of the region and impact positively on social cohesion. Farmers and cooperatives will be supported to maintain their yields and to identify ways for scaling up and improving their production or reaching new markets.