European Projects Management Ltd. has been shortlisted for the EuropeAid project contract, in consortium with ICE EEIG.
Project Title:
Technical Assistance for Increasing Attendance and Enrolment Rates in Secondary Education
Project Reference:
Contract Description:
The purpose of this contract is to increase attendance and enrolment rates in secondary education. To this aim, a comprehensive prevention, intervention and compensation model will be developed and implemented to increase attendance and enrolment rates in secondary education. Early Warning System will be developed to determine girls and boys at risk of early school leaving for further development of relevant measures. Guidelines and a national strategy paper will be prepared. Home visits and information meetings for parents of students who are under the risk of early school leaving will be arranged. Awareness raising activities aiming to promote the model and interventions will be conducted. Scientific and technical studies will be executed. Workshops, conferences, study visits, etc will be organized, etc.