Title: Technical Assistance to the Skills for Employment and Social Inclusion Programme
Location: Jordan
Reference: EuropeAid/136729/DH/SER/JO
Contract description:
The overall programme, of which this contract will be part, includes a budget support and complementary services. A technical assistance under this contract, mobilizing a number of long and short term experts, will be provided to support the implementation of the budget support programme and to provide technical assistance and capacity building services targeting the following Ministries and institutions (Labour, Education, Higher Education, Social Development, ETVET Council Secretariat and their related institutions) as well as the social partners and CSOs.
This contract will provide capacity building & technical assistance related to the employment and technical vocational education and training (TVET) sector areas including among others governance and policy development and planning, financial and human resources management, results oriented monitoring, quality assurance and accreditation, teacher training, curricula development for employability, active labour market measures and studies, employment surveys and job matching, social partners and civil society partnership and social inclusion assistance. Professional assistance is also required for the design and the implementation of a communication strategy and for ensuring the visibility of EU assistance.
Publication date of shortlist notice: 8 June 2017
Download: 136729 Jordan – Employment shortlist