European Projects Management Ltd. has been shortlisted for the EuropeAid project contract, in consortium with WEglobal.

Project Title:
Support to IPARD Operating Structure (Managing Authority and IPARD Agency)
Project Reference:
Contract Description:
The purpose of this contract is to strengthen the institutional capacities of competent authorities within the Serbian Ministry in charge for Agriculture in order to implement the Rural Development component of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPARD II). The expected outputs of this project are the following:
- preparation of the managing authority for the implementation of IPARD II measures 4 and 5;
- strengthening the Rural Development Network and IPARD III;
- preparation of the staff of the Directorate for Agrarian Payments (IPARD Agency) for the implementation of IPARD II measures 4 and 5 in accordance with EU requirements;
- upgrade of RD IT solution for the implementation of IPARD II program;
- supporting the IPARD Agency in updating written procedures (based on IT audit reports) and providing assistance in preparing for IPARD II e-accreditation.