Title:Support to Preschool Education System Reform
Location: Serbia
Reference: EuropeAid/138045/IH/SER/RS
Contract description:
The purpose of this contract is to help the Republic of Serbia to further develop preschool education system in 50 Local Self Governments (LSGs). At least three main results are expected:
- Professional capacities of LSGs to plan and manage preschool education strengthened. This should comprise at least the following activities:
- Trainings and consultation for at least 200 responsible persons in 50 LSGs on development and implementation of local strategy and/or action plan and on optimisation, adequate management and budgeting of the network of preschool institutions on local level,
- Preparation of guidelines for development of local preschool strategies and action plans,
- Development and implementation of awareness raising campaign on importance of involving children in preschool education, especially vulnerable groups,
- Support for the preparation of the network optimisation act for each LSG, including analytical work for its preparation.
- Professional competences of preschool institutions staff improved in line with Preschool Curriculum Framework. This should comprise at least the following activities:
- Trainings for 1500 teachers and 100 mentors for the implementation of the new Preschool Curriculum Framework,
- Support 50 of preschool institutions to develop their diversified preschool programs in line with the new Preschool Curriculum Framework,
- Develop informative guidelines and webpages for at least 25 preschool institutions
- Legislative framework in accordance with the new laws and the new Preschool Curriculum Framework developed. This should comprise at least support for the preparation of relevant by-laws.
Publication date of shortlist notice: 14 September 2018