European Projects Management Ltd. has been awarded the EuropeAid project contract in Azerbaijan, in consortium with GOPA Consultants.
Project Title: Support to implementation of National Qualifications Framework in Azerbaijan
Project Reference: EuropeAid/138339/DH/SER/AZ
Value of the Contract: 2 675 665 EUR
The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is to enhance the quality and relevance of the education and training system in Azerbaijan supporting economic diversification, creating opportunities for lifelong learning, and fulfilling the Education Development Strategy in line with European and international best practice.
The purpose of this contract is as follows: a functional NQF is set-up with the following specific objectives:
- To ensure effective implementation of NQF
- To introduce relevant education standards in pilot sectors
- To ensure education standards support competency-based education provision
- To improve access to lifelong learning through flexible provision, alternative progression pathways and recognition of prior learning
- To improve assessment and QA of assessment and certification processes
- To provide effective information and guidance for employers/sectors, providers and learners to use the NQF.